
The drone industry is all about getting in the air!

At UAS Denmark Test Center, we strive to give you the best possible conditions for developing, testing, demonstrating and training in our 1,900 km2 segregated airspace. Being based in a small but fully operational, international airport, we offer a realistic operating environment alongside manned aviation.

Companies – Danish as well as international – research institutions and the Danish Defense work alongside each other on a daily basis. We host around 20 unmanned flight operations per working day in average throughout the year.

Types of flights

This airspace allows you to perform simple VLOS operations, VLOS/BVLOS operations up to a height of 3,500 – 7,500 feet and up to a distance of more than 70 km from the airport. Operations to higher height and further distances can be accommodated on special arrangements. For example, we offer easy access to the adjacent military airspace with unlimited altitude. Operations are possible with the smallest UAS up to large UAS, which requires a paved runway for take-off/landing and the infrastructure of an airport. We facilitate night operations as well.

Advanced operations (non-VLOS) require 48 hours’ notice to get the airspace ready. Any professional operator can be allowed access to perform UAS operations in the test center. It only requires the signing of an Operators’ Agreement with basic conditions and having the mandatory introduction briefing.

Pilots and aircrafts

Depending on the kind of activities, UAS Denmark Test Center will support you with the needed assets and competences for your operation. Usually this is arranged through members in the ecosystem – as an example, the University of Southern Denmark’s UAS Center has several small platforms and UAV pilots on site.

We can also support you in finding the right test areas for your mission – or in identifying the right partners or experts to collaborate with while you are here. You can also plug into the nationwide unmanned network through Odense Robotics headquartered close by.

Other test operations

UAS Denmark Test Center already welcomes a broad spectrum of UAS related operations and technologies, e.g. platforms, payloads, C-UAS (radar systems etc.), software and AI, Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) development, logistic concepts, components and even Urban Air Mobility (UAM).

Whether you do research, training, testing, regular operations or demonstrations, you are more than welcome to join the hub or simply pay a visit.

Photo by QuadSAT

Current test activity

UAS/drone flying in UAS Denmark Test Center’s airspace (EK R 25 – EK R 29) is published by Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). We usually have NOTAM for drone activity in EK R 25 (the airspace immediately above the airport) on regular working hours, whereas other areas (EK R 26 – EK R 29) must be booked in advance. We can activate test areas within 48 hours with different levels of priority for unmanned vs. manned aviation.

We usually maintain flexibility to always accommodate both manned and unmanned aviation, and we only close airspace for manned aviation when conditioned by prioritized unmanned activity. Unmanned activity is coordinated through UAS Denmark Test Center’s Drone Operations Management.

Follow Danish NOTAMs or use Danish UTM.

Contact us today

You are always welcome to contact UAS Denmark Test Center if you have any questions or just want to talk.