Startup and business services

The Odense region has become a European hot spot for robotics and automation as well as for the testing and development of unmanned systems. One reason is an ample access to startup and business services.

Drone innovation network

UAS Denmark Test Center cooperates closely with Denmark’s robot, automation and drone cluster, Odense Robotics. The cluster offers companies opportunities to develop innovative products and technologies, strengthen their foundation for growth, gain industry insights and increase their visibility. Odense Robotics also has a dedicated network for drones & unmanned systems. We cooperate on the joint annual International Drone Show conference and exhibition.

Drone incubator

Odense Robotics StartUp Fund is recognized as one of the best robotic incubators in Europe. It is located at the 3,000 m² specialist facility at the Danish Technological Institute – a leading research and technology organization. Here, robotic, automation and drone startups are joined by a team of business and technology experts that help turn technology into good business.

Other incubators are active in the unmanned arena as well such as the business incubation center of European Space Agency (ESA).

Business advice

Do you need help accelerating growth and creating sustainable business? Based on business insight as well as commitment and with a focus on sustainability, digitization, automation and new technology, which in these years are absolutely crucial for your company to maintain and increase its competitiveness, the regional, public support organization – Business Hub Fyn – is there to help you. They also show you the way to different financing options.

Business relocation services

UAS Denmark Test Center is the best place to develop your drone company, and Odense is the best city for startups in the best European country for doing business. And we provide confidential and tailor-made solutions for foreign companies looking to set up a new business in the center or expanding an existing one.

Get connected

UAS Denmark and our cooperation partners are ready to support the companies using the center in finding the right information sources and partners that will help develop your business – be it research communities, public authorities or private business partners.

When you are based in the test center, you can come together with competent colleagues on a daily basis. Very often we see how companies not only exchange knowledge but also work together on projects and business ideas.

We experience that you can plug into a thriving business environment