UAS Denmark Test Center and Odense Robotics will host The International Drone Show 2022 on 30 August at HCA Airport in Odense, Denmark.
The show is a unique platform to showcase your drone technology and perform a live drone flight or demonstration, where a drone application, product or service ensures new value to a sector or segment within your current or future client base.
Sign up for the drone show and explore future opportunities and applications – meet peers from the drone industry, suppliers, relevant stakeholders from public organisations as well as end users from other sectors.
The event will feature
- Flight demonstrations showing strong end-user cases
- A full conference program
- 20 exhibitor spaces
- 10 Startup exhibitor spaces
- Research knowledge
- New lounge area great for informal meetings
- And a lot of network
Themes of the event
- Theme 1: Unlocking the potential – new applications for tomorrow
- Theme 2: Drones and transportation (taxi, delivery and logistics etc.)
- Theme 3: Industry-related drones (energy, agriculture, maritime etc.)
- Theme 4: Security, AI and counter drone systems
Join the event as a participant – only 500 tickets available
The International Drone Show 2022 will be a great place to meet up with other industry stakeholders – existing as well as potential future clients. And this year we will once again be able to conduct the IDS as a physical event, where networking will be a large part of the day.
500 tickets* are available for the event, priced at:
- 749,- DKK excl. vat. for members of Odense Robotics
- 1349,- DKK excl. vat for non-members
- 149,- DKK excl. vat for students
The ticket price covers your access to IDS at HCA airport. Included in your ticket is also catering throughout the day.
Extra networking event – after the show closes
When the International Drone Show closes, UAS Denmark Test Center and Odense Robotics have planned a networking session, which will take place over a meal and beverages at an additional cost of 549,- DKK excl. VAT.
If you want to join this exclusive networking session, you can add this when you sign up.
Conference programme (tentative):
08.30: Doors open
09:00: Welcome and presentation of Odense Robotics and UAS Denmark International Test Center – Gert Taul Pedersen, Head of Business Development, Odense Robotics and Lars Michael Larsen, Head of UAS Denmark International Test Center
09:05: Theme 1: Unlocking the potential – new applications for tomorrow.
10.30: Break
11.00: Theme 2: Drones and transportation (taxa, delivery and logistics etc.)
12.30: Lunch, exhibition and network
13.15: Theme 3: Industry related drones (energy, agriculture, maritime etc.)
14.30: Break
14.45: Theme 4: Security, AI & counter drone systems
16.00: End of official conference program
Extra paid networking session:
16.30: Paid Networking event begins
19.30: Paid Networking event ends