Drone technology has a huge potential to solve tasks – but many companies lack knowledge about how to apply drone technology to become more competitive and sustainable. That’s exactly what companies can learn more about at the International Drone Show 2022 on 30 August at HCA Airport in Odense, Denmark. Here, the latest drone technologies will be showcased within key application areas such as transport, logistics, surveillance, healthcare and safety.
Robots are transforming our daily lives and drones are about to follow suit. Whether it’s about surveillance of the Arctic, sustainable transport of people and goods or quick delivery of medicine and organs – drones have the potential to become a key technology within everything from logistics and industry to defence and security, healthcare, inspection and mapping.
Denmark has become a northern European hub for the development and testing of new drone technologies, but we have only seen the top of the iceberg so far when it comes to applying drone technologies. That is why Denmark’s national robot and drone cluster Odense Robotics and the national drone test center UAS Denmark Test Center will gather companies and organisations from the Danish and international drone industry at the International Drone Show 2022 (IDS) on 30 August at HCA Airport in Odense. The annual event is about showcasing drone technology’s many application areas.
“Drone technology has a huge potential to solve challenges in key areas such as logistics and inspection. But many companies don’t know how they can leverage drone technology to become more competitive and indeed sustainable. The International Drone Show 2022 in Odense is an opportunity for companies to learn more about the latest drone technologies and the many benefits they can bring to a range of sectors,” says Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO in Odense Robotics, Denmark’s national robot and drone cluster.
Talks from CoolRunner and Ørsted
IDS 2022 zooms in on four areas where drone technology already plays a key role or is on the cusp of playing a key role, such as transport, industrial applications and artificial intelligence.
Visitors will be able to see live demos and drone flights as well as hear inspirational talks from research scientists and drone companies from Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States. Talks will provide insight into the latest technologies and cases on topics such as 5G-drones, freight drones carrying up to 200 kilos and radar systems designed to spot terror drones.
”Drone technology has a huge potential – just like robotics, as we know it today. IDS 2022 is all about demonstrating this potential and the many opportunities for a range of sectors in drone technologies,” says Michael Larsen, Head of UAS Denmark Test Center.
Speakers include CoolRunner, sister company to Coolshop, that will talk about how they include drones in their lien-haul concepts. Ørsted will talk about their use of drones today and in the future.
Facts about drones
- According to the Drone Market Report 2021-2026 published in 2021, the global commercial market for drones – excluding drone solutions for defence – will increase by 9.4% annually reaching an estimated EUR 39 billion in 2026.
- According to IRIS Group’s analysis Autonomous Technologies published in 2021, there are around 150 people employed on Funen in the drone industry – an increase of 250 % in four years.
- Since 2015, the University of Southern Denmark has attracted EUR 53 million in drone research funding.
Facts about the International Drone Show 2022
- Arranged by Odense Robotics and UAS Denmark Test Center
- Tuesday 30 August 8am-4pm at HCA Airport in Odense, Denmark.
- On Monday 29 August there will be a networking dinner.
- On Wednesday 31 August there will be an event for investors and drone companies.
- Read more at www.odenserobotics.dk/events/international-drone-show-2022/