UAS a gateway to europe

The Danish UAS ecosystem – a gateway to Europe

Join us at H.C. Andersen Airport on 31 August 2022 to learn about the benefits of the Danish UAS ecosystem and the possibilities to establish a European presence in Denmark.

The Danish UAS Ecosystem – A gateway to Europe event is a joint partnership between UAS Denmark Test Center, Odense Robotics, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Invest in OdenseCenSec and Erhvervs Hus Fyn.

During the event on 31 August, you have ample opportunity to meet stakeholders from the drone industry and kick-start your collaboration with the Danish drone industry and the Danish Defence, learn about the exceptional UAS / C-UAS test facilities and how easy it is to set up a business in Denmark. Explore how the already established robotic cluster has made Denmark and Odense to the center of highly skilled labor within both SW and HW and much more.

The event will take place the day after The International Drone Show so take advantage of this unique possibility also to get insights about the UAS and drone industry from thought leaders in the business and learn about future drone applications.

Also on August 29, it is possible to participate in an informal drone community meetup dinner in the City of Odense. Please sign up for this event on this sign-up page. The meetup takes place at Storms Parkhus from 18.30.


  • 08:30 – Arrival and registration 

  • 09:00Formal opening of program by The Mayor of Odense, Peter Rahbæk Juel 

  • 09:05Welcome by Carsten Sandberg Hasenfuss, Lieutenant colonel, Head of Department, International and Industrial Relations (DALO) 

  • 09:15Benefits of the Danish UAS & Robotics Ecosystem – Accelerate your company’s innovation and growth
    Learn about the unique benefits of the Danish UAS & Robotics Ecosystem and how you can accelerate your company’s innovation and growth by participating in the cluster.

    Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO, Odense Robotics

    UAS Denmark Test Center – A stepping stone to Doing Business in Europe 
    An introduction to Denmark’s national test and innovation center – and how to obtain your European wide approval in the EASA specific category (a “COA” equivalent) 

    Michael Larsen, Head of UAS Denmark Test Center, UAS Denmark. 
    Christian Klit Johansen, Drone Operations Manager, UAS Denmark.

    Expanding business to the European market through a presence in Denmark.
    An overview on how to establish your European HQ in a relevant drone nation, get access to SW/HW talents for scaling business and practical information on how to get started.

    Nicole Sophie Christiansen, Investment Manager, tech & Robotics, Invest in Denmark.

    Odense – A great fairytale of a rising star in robotics
    Odense is home to a thriving robotics, drones and automation industry with global leaders in collaborative robots and mobile robots with a world class startup incubator that has supported many new innovative drone companies.

    Rasmus Festersen, Investment Manager, Invest in Odense.

    Procurement plans & future UAS needs in the Danish Defense
    Learn about how the Danish Ministry of Defence (MoD) is expanding its acquisitions of all size UAS. Specifically the Danish MoD is in the process of acquiring class I/1-3 VTOL UAS (both fixed-winged and multi rotary), class II Ship-based UAS in support of artic operations and class III UAS as well in support of artic operations. 

    Morten Hvalsøe-Dybdahl, Major & Branch Chief UAS / C-UAS, Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation.

    Increased collaboration through offset opportunities

    Anna Kirkegaard, Head of Section, Defence Industry, Danish Business Authority.

    Denmark’s Defence cluster and collaboration with Odense Robotics.
    CenSec – Denmark’s National Cluster for Defence, Space & Security. Experiences with innovation through synergies between defence, space and civil industries.

    Klaus Bolving, CEO, Center for Defence, Space & Security (CenSec).
  • 12:30Networking Lunch – with DK companies invited 

  • 13:30Visit SDU Drone Center 
    Tour the SDU UAS Center’s indoor and outdoor flight labs and learn more about our latest research within drones for inspection, healthcare, and nature conservation. 

  • 14:30B2B meetings

  • 16:00Event ends

The event is also supported by The Danish Embassy in Washington & The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation.

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